Training Information

Discovered by Dr. Francine Shapiro, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is one of the most researched and utilized methods in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of human distress connected to trauma and adverse life experiences. Whether your goal is to become an EMDR therapist as a specialty, or to integrate EMDR into your existing practice, our mindfulness-infused training program will help you meet your goals.  EMDR Cleveland's EMDR Therapy Training Program is offered through a special license from the Institute for Creative Mindfulness with a curriculum designed by Dr. Jamie Marich. The ICM curriculum equips you to work with real-world clinical presentations from day one, including how to handle complex and developmental trauma, addressing dissociation, and implementing EMDR into your current setting.

This EMDR Therapy Training program curriculum and Thomas Zimmerman, Ms.Ed., LPCC are approved by the EMDR International Association, the standards of which require that students engage in:  20 hours of lecture, 20 hours of practicum, 10 hours of consultation, required reading (below), and taking an ungraded open-book learner assessment at the end of the process.

10 Hours of Consultation Are Included as Part of this Training

Ten hours of consultation are a requirement for completing the entire training cycle.  Five two-hour groups (10 total hours) are included in the cost of participating in this training.  These are special groups organized by the trainer or select EMDR Cleveland consultants.  A wider network of consultants are available for additional costs if you want a broader diversity in consultation, see here for more details: 

Required Reading (does not need to be read before either your Part One or Part Two training)

Shapiro, F. (2018). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Basic principles, protocols, and procedures, 3rd ed. New York: The Guilford Press.

Training Objectives

Objectives: Day 1 

  • To provide working definitions of trauma from the larger field of psychology/psychiatry and according to the adaptive information processing (AIP) model 
  • To discuss the Indigenous and ancient origins of EMDR therapy in providing context for the modern history of EMDR Therapy
  • To explain EMDR Therapy’s model, methodology, and mechanism(s) within the context of the adaptive information processing (AIP) model 
  • To list the 8 phases of the EMDR Therapy standard protocol
  • To identify the 8 phases of the EMDR standard protocol after seeing a live or video demonstration of EMDR Therapy 
  • To summarize current organizational and clinical recommendations on EMDR therapy
  • To identify the aspects of EMDR therapy (e.g., model, methodology, and mechanism) that justify it being regarded as an approach to psychotherapy

Objectives: Day 2 

  • To explain how the 8 Phases of Shapiro’s Standard EMDR Therapy Protocol correspond to the 3-Stage Consensus Model of trauma treatment originally proposed by Pierre Janet 
  • To conduct a thematic EMDR Therapy Phase 1 (Client History) with respect to general, well-established principles for trauma-informed care 
  • To define the terms Resource Development and Installation (RDI), “tapping in,” and frontloading, and explain their role in EMDR Therapy Phase 2 Preparation 
  • To develop a comprehensive, holistic set of stabilization, grounding, and resourcing skills in Phase 2 of EMDR Therapy 
  • To explain, in general, the rationale behind speeds of bilateral stimulation/dual attention stimulus 
  • To deliver 3-5 activities with a client in EMDR Therapy preparation, with and without bilateral stimulation 
  • To discuss and implement which stabilization activities are most ideal for those clients with dissociation or complex trauma issues 
  • To make modifications for teaching all skills covered today, including delivery of bilateral dual attention stimulus (DAS), in a telehealth setting
  • To complete, under supervised practice, EMDR Phases 1 & 2 with a practice partner 
  • To assess client preparedness for moving from Phase 2 of EMDR Therapy into the reprocessing Phases 3-6 
  • To discuss the standard targeting sequence offered in the 2018 Shapiro text for reprocessing traumatic memories 

Objectives: Day 3

  • To complete, under supervised practice, EMDR Therapy Phases 3-8 
  • To define abreaction and discuss its relevance to trauma processing work 
  • To define dissociation and develop strategies for mitigating risk and working most effectively with dissociative clients
  • To list the main suggestions offered by Shapiro and master clinicians in EMDR therapy for handling abreactions
  • To recheck the progress on both complete and incomplete EMDR therapy sessions
  • To articulate the general principles at play in Phase 8 Re-Evaluation
  • To obtain resources for accessing follow-up consultation and support in EMDR therapy between Part I of the training (Days 1-3) and Part II of the training (Days 4-6) 



In order to take an EMDRIA-approved training program, you must meet one of the following requirements for eligibility: 

  • A masters or doctoral degree in a clinical mental health-related field (e.g., counseling, marriage & family therapy, social work, psychology, etc.) is required.
  • Although it is not required, it is strongly preferred that you are in active clinical practice and working with clients.
  • Master’s level students may be permitted to take the course if EMDR Cleveland LLC receives a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or clinical site supervisor ahead of time. Requests and letters of recommendation can be sent to: [email protected].  Your registration is not considered complete/confirmed until approval is granted.
  • Medical Professionals (e.g., master’s level nurses and physicians) are also eligible to take the course if they possess a clinical master’s or doctorate degree and if their primary specialty is within mental health.
  • Chemical dependency professionals with a master’s degree or higher may also be eligible to take the course. Pastoral/Christian counselors, and art/music/dance therapists may also be eligible if they can show sufficient clinical content on their master’s level transcripts. In these three specialty scenarios, prior approval is required from EMDR Cleveland LLC and the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. In cases of these special circumstances, all cases must be made in writing with supporting documentation directly to EMDR Cleveland LLC. You can send your request to [email protected]. Your registration is not considered complete/confirmed until approval is granted.

One Year Completion Timeframe

  • Per EMDRIA guidelines, you have one year from the start of your in-person training to complete all requirements of your EMDR Foundational Training, including consultation.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

  • Full payment is required prior to completing each part of the training.  Payment is accepted when you register through Thinkific or you can pay by check payable to EMDR Cleveland and mailed to:

Thomas Zimmerman, LPCC
 EMDR Cleveland LLC
 18436 Winslow Rd. Upper
 Shaker Heights, OH  44122

  • Cancellation Policy: Refunds are issued less a 10% cancellation penalty for processing charges to cover cancellations received up to 9:00 AM on the first day of the training.   There is no penalty to cancel and then reschedule with another trainer who uses the Institute for Creative Mindfulness curriculum. For no-shows or people who withdraw during the training after it starts without pre-cleared cause, there is a 50% cancellation penalty when you request a refund.  Penalties do not apply if you reschedule your training with a subsequent training with EMDR Cleveland LLC.  Email us the details of your situation if you think you may need to cancel or reschedule. We want to get you trained and we understand emergencies happen.  

By Registering for this Training, You Acknowledge

  • Attendance: Your presence at the entire training is required at all sessions. No partial credit can be awarded. You have read our training information [link] prior to registering. Please also note that by taking the training you will be required to take an open-book learner assessment following the second part of the training, per EMDRIA guidelines.  While taking the assessment is required, no particular score is required as a condition of completing your training.
  • Consultation: Ten hours of group consultation delivered in five two-hour groups are included in the price of your training with Thomas Zimmerman or other select consultants. The included consultation must be conducted using one of the groups this page:   Or, you can arrange consultation at your own additional cost using any of the consultants or consultants-in-training listed on Institute for Creative Mindfulness website here.  We do not accept consultation outside of consultants with EMDR Cleveland and Institute for Creative Mindfulness.
  • You have ONE YEAR (12 months) from the time that you begin this training to complete all of the requirements, including the 10 hours of supplementary consultation that are required for you to receive your Certificate of Training in EMDR Therapy from EMDR Cleveland LLC in conjunction with The Institute for Creative Mindfulness.
  • Training Information & Eligibility: You verify that you meet the eligibility requirements of being a Master’s level behavioral health clinician or are a graduate student with an appropriate recommendation, see Prerequisites section above.
  • The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is an EMDRIA-approved curriculum serving clinicians in the United States and Canada, only with certain limited exceptions. If you are a clinician living outside of the United States or Canada, we suggest that you contact the Institute for Creative Mindfulness first or check with your regional organization (e.g., EMDR Europe, EMDR Asia, EMDR Australia). A U.S.-based training may not be accepted for accreditation in your country.
  • You have read and consent to the Payment and Cancellation Policy above.
  • Faculty licensees of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness (ICM) operate their training independently, and in registering for this training, you are registering with EMDR Cleveland LLC, not ICM. If you cancel or need to move this training, it is easiest to directly reschedule with EMDR Cleveland LLC. If for some reason you do want to move your training to another ICM network faculty member, you will need to cancel with EMDR Cleveland LLC, and re-register with the other ICM network member.
  • Correspondence from Training Organization: Correspondence from EMDR Cleveland LLC, may originate from [email protected].  You can also expect email from when you schedule your training.  Please make sure that these are added to your spam blocker or check your "junk mail" folder or filter.
  • Additional Reading Requirements: Please take note of the EMDR Therapy Training Reading List. EMDRIA requires that you purchase and read Francine Shapiro's Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Third Edition: Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures, which is available for purchase at Amazon and other retailers.
  • Professionalism: You will show up on time and be fully present for each session, acting in a professional manner. You will reach out to your faculty member or any assistants if any unexpected problems arise. You agree to refrain from all alcohol and illicit drug use during the training and agree to speak with your faculty member or an assistant if you anticipate that your impairment due to prescribed medications might pose a problem during the training. The faculty and staff reserve the right to remove trainees at any time if the trainee creates an unsafe or unprofessional environment for you or for other trainees, or for any other reason, at their sole discretion.
  • Accommodations: The Institute for Creative Mindfulness follows the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We ask that if you are in need of any special accommodations that will allow you to take your training with us online or in-person, please email us with any special requests thirty days before the scheduled training. If, during the training, a need for an accommodation arises, you are expected to contact your instructor and/or practicum assistant immediately and we will discuss the best possible solution.
  • Confidentiality: There is no client relationship or other privilege that would create a duty rising to the level of clinical confidentiality in this training setting. However, you are expected to respect the confidentiality of other trainees in the group, and your trainer will explain the importance of confidentiality. Trainees who observe a problem with another trainee are expected to bring the problem to the lead trainer or other training staff. Similarly, if a staff member observes an issue with professionalism, they reserve the right to discuss that issue with the lead trainer.
  • Preparedness for Doing Your Own Work: Throughout the training, you will be expected to participate in a working practicum experience in the role of therapist, client, and observer. This means that you will be expected to do a small piece of your own, authentic clinical work. If you are currently in counseling or being treated for a mental health condition, it is recommended that you speak with your provider, alerting them that you are participating in the training. If you have received a major mental health diagnosis (past or present), you acknowledge that you are taking this training and engaging in this practicum at your own risk, and agree to alert faculty or training staff before or during the training if any complications arise. You acknowledge that everyone taking part in the practicum experience is new to EMDR therapy and agree to keep the space as safe as possible for all involved. If any problems arise, you agree to address them with faculty or staff members.

Continuing Education Credit Hours

CE credit hours for this training are offered in conjunction with the Institute for Creative Mindfulness, who licenses the training curriculum. This course is approved for 21 CE credit hours by the following approval agencies:

State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board

The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is an approved provider of continuing education by the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board for counselors, social workers, and marriage/family therapists. Approval: #RCS091306

American Psychological Association

The Institute for Creative Mindfulness is approved by American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Institute for Creative Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

This training is not approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC).

This training is not approved by the Association of Social Worker Boards (ASWB).  Updated 2/28/2024


This course curriculum and trainer is APPROVED by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)

EMDRIA is not a provider of continuing education, although they do authorize training providers in EMDR therapy after a rigorous approval process. Completion of Part I & Part II constitutes partial training in EMDR Therapy. Completion of required consultation and the learner assessment is needed to receive a full certificate of training from your trainer the Institute for Creative Mindfulness (EMDRIA #10002). 

A General Note About Approvals

Please also note that APA-approved sponsors are accepted by many state boards, such as California BBS and major licensure boards within the state of Pennsylvania. In both of these cases, separate paperwork does not need to be filled out. Many state boards also accept out-of-state providers, which is why our Ohio approvals appear on every training. In some states, pre- or post-program approval forms must be sent, and you are responsible for checking into the rules of the licensure board in your state as to what is required. Please let the Institute for Creative Mindfulness know if you need support documentation in any way for these pre or post-program approval applications.

Terms and Conditions

This training is offered in coordination with The Institute for Creative Mindfulness and Dr. Jamie Marich, who licensed the curriculum for this training. EMDR Cleveland LLC, maintains responsibility for the operations of the training, including training delivery, registration, and staffing of the training.

About the Trainer

Thomas Zimmerman, Ms.Ed., LPCC (he/him) was trained in EMDR Therapy by the Institute for Creative Mindfulness and provides consultation to EMDR therapists across the country. He has received advanced training and provides consultation in the following topics: dissociation, working with ego states, working with clients at the intersection of trauma and severe and persistent mental illness, working effectively with attachment wounding, and working with high-risk clients.

Thomas maintains the popular EMDR therapy blog for therapists: and administers the largest global group of EMDR therapists on Facebook at: Thomas also produces a podcast for EMDR therapists that focuses on solutions to the difficulties of working with complex trauma using EMDR therapy: Thomas is active in developing a version of the Flash Technique (originally developed by Philip Manfield) into a fully conceptualized psychotherapy to easily and reliably metabolize trauma for the most severely traumatized clients. Thomas’ Flash work is available at:

Thomas is the owner of the practice EMDR Cleveland LLC and lives in Shaker Heights, Ohio, with his 16-year-old nephew.

Course curriculum

    1. Online EMDR Therapy Part I Training, May 17-19, 2024 (Friday-Sunday), Zoom 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

    2. Informed Consent

    3. Required and Recommended Readings

    4. Course Description and Daily Objectives

    5. Course Agenda

    6. Practicum Facilitators and Breakout Assignments

    1. 10th Edition Part I Manual (ver 10.B)

    2. EMDR Therapy Worksheets

    3. ICM's Dissociation Infographic

    4. ICM's Window of Tolerance Infographic

    5. Phase 1 Supplement: Identity, Race, and Culture (courtesy of Diane DesPlantes)

    6. Take the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) Online

    7. Bilateral Stimulation (Easy Free Online Program)

    1. EMDR Phases 1-8 Demo

    2. EMDR Phase Two Mini Demo

    3. Phase One: Client History Telehealth

    4. Phase Two: Calm Safe Space

    5. Phase Two: Container Exercise

    6. Testing Out DAS

    7. Phases Three through Seven Demo

    8. Explaining DAS

    9. Phase Eight Future Template

    10. Bonus: Calm Safe Place Gone Bad

    1. Get Your Required Consultation and Receiving Your Certificate

    1. EMDRIA Training Survey (optional)

    1. Training Evaluation for CEs Information

About this course

  • $650.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today